Format: ObjectDescription: Hand drawn and water-coloured cartoon of various attendees at a restaurant, eating, dancing, singing or serving food. Handwritten captions accompany the characters. The piece is titled in the top...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a black and white hand drawn sketch of British police officers on bicycles riding around a car with an SA numberplate. A sign next to the car says "English police Chief to be new SA commi...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a black and white hand drawn sketch of an elephant stamping through a stage during a dance performance. The cartoon is discussing the 'No property no voting rights concept' and the influ...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a black and white hand drawn sketch of a female bus driver stopping at a group of men at a bus stop and then speeding of remarking 'I just remembered what mummy told me... Never go in a v...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a print of cartoon about the then Prime Minister Gough Whitlam opening a winery chateau, and water quality in South Australia. The cartoon depicts the PM tasting a glass of wine, the back...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon refering to the condition of water & supply in SA and the Amendment Act1969, of the Water Conservation Act 1936. The cartoon depicts a man reading in a bath full of w...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn page about a range of South Australian news stories from the week. The artwork contains four cartoons. Topics include petitions relating to sex shops, demerit points for dang...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn page of cartoons about a range of South Australian news stories from the week. The artwork contains four cartoons. Topics include weekend gaol sentences suggested in law refo...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon about a range of South Australian news stories from the week. The artwork covers four topics include the betting on the Liberal Party, parking issues at Oakbank carpa...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoons about a range of South Australian news stories from the week. The artwork contains four cartoons. Topics include the Adelaide to Melbourne walk, hijacking of planes,...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon about a range of South Australian news stories from the week. The artwork contains four cartoons on messengers at Parliament House, and the reporting of government is...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon about a range of South Australian news stories from the week. The artwork contains five cartoons. In the top left corner is a cartoon about safety (seat) belts. In th...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon about news topics from the week. The artwork has four cartoons. The cartoon in the top left corner is about St. Peter's School expelling a boy for having long hair. T...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon depicting three men hiding down a manhole. The men have been discovered by an Adelaide City Council worker. The caption for the cartoon reads "AH, SOME MORE TAKING SE...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon about future water security in South Australia in the 1970s and the debate between the Chowilla and Dartmouth dam locations. The cartoon depicts the then Premier of V...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon about South Australia public service and public sector reform. The cartoon depicts an chaotic scene of people and vehicles next to an office where men are discussing ...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon with comedians Peter Cook and Dudley Moore standing next to a statue of Colonel William Light in North Adelaide.
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon depicting a mortgage and rent collector arrving at the house of a family with many children. The captions reads "WHY DON'T YOU GET THE GOVERNMENT TO BUY FOR YOU...AS ...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon depicting two men inspecting people under a microscope. A sign reads "FORBESVILLE IMMIGRATION SELECTION".
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a cartoon about plans to provide flitered water in Adelaide. The cartoon depicts two men tasting unflitered water and comparing as a person would with wine vintages. In the background are...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon about future water security in South Australia in the 1970s and the debate about the location of a proposed dam on the Murray River. The cartoon depicts two cars bein...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon about future water security in South Australia in the 1970s and the debate between the Chowilla and Dartmouth dam locations. The cartoon depicts the then Premier of S...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon about South Australian water ailments and construction of the Chowilla Dam ceasing due to construction costs and concerns about salinity. The cartoon depicts Don Duns...
Format: ObjectDescription: This is a hand drawn cartoon refering to the condition of water and supply in SA and the Amendment Act 1969, of the Water Conservation Act 1936. The cartoon depicts Don Dunstan and Hutchens in a ...