ProvenanceBadge produced to raise funds for the war effort in the final years of the First World War. Fundraising badges, such as this one, were sold to show and encourage patriotic support for the war effort.
Field Marshal William Riddell Birdwood was in command of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in the First World War. He regularly visited the front lines while the troops were at Gallipoli. After the withdrawal from Turkey, he led the I ANZAC Corps in France. Birdwood always tried to appoint Australians to command and staff positions. His bravery earned him an enduring respect of the AIF.SignificanceIllustrative of the badges that were popular as a means of raising funds or showing support for particular organisations or causes during the First World War. This and other associated badges are a rich source of evidence on the material and cultural history of Australia, particularly during wartime. The symbols, colours and mottoes used on the badges themselves also express ideas about the values and identity that Australians held in the early to mid-twentieth century.DescriptionCircular badge: printed paper between tin base and celluloid cover. Gold rim, centre features a coloured picture of General Birdwood.Marked 'General Birdwood'.Creator (person)Creator (organisation)AcknowledgementDate of Creation1914 - 1918Date of Usage1914 - 1918MaterialTin
|celluloid DimensionType: Total
Unit (Lengths): mm Accession NumberHT 1986.0012