ProvenanceDonated by Krystyna Luzny. After the Second World War Krystyna and her fiancé Tomasz lived in Germany as refugees. They migrated to Australia in 1950 where both were active in the Adelaide Polish community. Krystyna donated a number of documents from their time as refugees to the Migration Museum.SignificanceArriving in Australia as a Displaced Person many people had to start all over from scratch. Their new lives were documented through a paper trail of certificates, permits and passports that reveal when, where and how they coped with their new life in Australia.DescriptionBuff coloured typed letter of Commendation from Transport Commander about Mr Tomasz Luzny for his work from the ‘General W.G. Haan’ on his journey from Germany to Australia.Creator (person)Creator (organisation)AcknowledgementKeywordsPolishDate of Creation1950Date of Usage1950MaterialPaper DimensionType: Total
Height: 270
Width: 200
Unit (Lengths): mm Accession NumberHT 1985.0393