ProvenanceThis teapot was owned and used by the donor Dimitri's family in Greece and brought to Australia by Dimitri and his sister, Virgina, when they migrated from Greece in the early 1960s. They came to live with other relatives who had migrated to Australia just before the Second World War. Some of the items which they brought with them have been used by at least three generations of the family. SignificanceThe teapot reflects what Dimitri's family felt was an important aspect of their cultural heritage. This item showcases their domestic practices and traditions and sense of connection with their Greek heritage.DescriptionA small teapot made of copper. It has a flat round base with curved sides. The bottom section is rounded to a narrower waisted area and neck. To one side of the neck there is a large narrow curved spout. On the other side, from the bottom to the rim of the pot, there is a narrow curved handle of a flat piece of copper. The top of the handle is held to the pot by two copper rivets and has a swinging arm attached which is rivetted to a small conical copper lid. This lid has three indentations around the lower section and is finished with a three part knobAcknowledgementDate of Creationc. 1900sDate of Usage1st January 1890MaterialMetal - copper DimensionType: Total
Height: 150
Width: 155
Unit (Lengths): mm Accession NumberHT 2015.0289