ProvenanceS.S. Stratheden cloth sailor doll, made in England by Norah Welling. Doll is made mainly from navy blue velvet, with flesh coloured face and hands. The face is painted. The doll wears a white cap with S.S. Stratheden in gold on a black headband. The S.S. Stratheden was a P and O liner built in 1937 as part of the "Strath" Line. It was used to carry English troops during the war. After the war it was used on cruises on the Australian route.SignificanceDescriptionS.S. Stratheden cloth sailor doll, made in England by Norah Welling. Doll is made mainly from navy blue velvet, with flesh coloured face and hands. The face is painted. The doll wears a white cap with S.S. Stratheden in gold on a black headband. The S.S. Stratheden was a P and O liner built in 1937 as part of the "Strath" Line. It was used to carry English troops during the war. After the war it was used on cruises on the Australian route.Creator (person)Creator (organisation)AcknowledgementKeywordsSouvenirsDate of CreationDate of UsageMaterialCloth. DimensionType: Total
Height: 140
Width: 90
Unit (Lengths): mm Accession NumberHT 1987.2879 On DisplaySouth Australian Maritime Museum