ProvenanceProbably made by Elsie Hook and Mrs M Moller. 'Hooks Unbreakable Dolls' was a doll factory operating in Brompton, South Australia during the First World War. The factory was destroyed by fire c1918-19, but in the 1930s Elise Hook began business again on a smaller scale in Hackney, South Australia.
Elsie Hook made a set of wedding dolls for display in the Myer Emporium (the old James Marshall store). One was a bridegroom doll.SignificanceDescriptionBridegroom doll. The groom is dressed in black long tailored jacket, black pants and shoes, with white cotton waistcoat and white cotton socks. Artificial flower buttonhole. One shoe is missing. The jacket is pinned closed. He has a moustache and a painted face with brown eyes and red lips. Creator (person)Creator (organisation)AcknowledgementQueering the MuseumThis object was selected to be featured as part of the Queering the Museum project, which offered members of the LGBTQI community the opportunity to re-interpret objects from the State History Collection through a different lens. Learn more on the Queering the Museum website. External LinkQueering the MuseumWhat do you think?The meaning of an object is never fixed, but rather, is open to interpretation. When we encounter objects we bring to those encounters a history which is both culturally shared and particular to us. Museums tend to ignore this and instead to offer single interpretations of objects. This object is one of a number chosen from the State History Collection to appear in a project entitled Queering the Museum. The project invites users to upload their own interpretation of or response to a chosen object. Users can also provide links to things that inform their interpretations or responses (for example, video clips, photographs, sound tracks, artworks). Through this process we open up space for multiple interpretations.KeywordsLGBTIQDate of Creationc1930sDate of UsageMaterialBuilding and sculpting - plaster
|Art medium - paint, unspecified
|Textile - unspecified
|Textile - thread, unspecified
|Textile - cotton, denim
|Textile - silk, silk taffeta
|Polymer, plastic - unspecified
|Metal - unspecified
|Animal material, keratinous material - unspecified DimensionType: Object
Height: 535
Width: 200
Depth: 110
Unit (Lengths): mm
|Type: External box
Height: 140
Width: 605
Depth: 268
Unit (Lengths): mm Accession NumberHT 1987.1127