Decription 'I quite enjoyed the first Covid lock-down. We couldn't hug or shake hands, but people reached out to each other in many other ways, stopping often to chat with friends and strangers alike during walks around the local area or rare visits to stock up on necessary supplies. It worked especially well for dog owners, as the dogs could still socialise, but the people were at least a dog's lead length away from each other.
The most stressful aspect for me was the Great Toilet Paper Caper. Being Mum and primary carer of a young adult with severe disability, in particular the shortages of disposable gloves, wipes, hand sanitiser and other personal care products made life a little interesting there for a while!
A standard Christmas Tree in 2020 just didn't seem appropriate, after the "crappy year" we had experienced, so decided to get a bit creative.' - Carol HallCreatorCarol HallLocationnot specifiedCatalogue NumberML22721