ProvenanceThe donor acquired this book from a second hand shop in the 2000s and used it as learning material in professional teacher development workshops. The curriculum was undergoing scrutiny in regards to the teaching of Aboriginal and Cultural Studies and the book was used as an example of inapproriate imagery and text.SignificanceThe item is a representative example of how Aboriginal history was taught in Australia in 1940s and was used by the donor in the 21th century to point out the inappropriate imagery and text of colonial thinking when teaching Australian history. The item is relevant for the Migration Museum collecting area in relation to reflecting colonial stereotypes and racism.DescriptionAustralian ABC, children’s book, 1940; 240 x 80 cm (closed), 6 coloured pages plus cover and back, paper.Creator (person)Creator (organisation)AcknowledgementDate of Creation1940Date of Usage1940-2015MaterialPaper DimensionType: Closed
Height: 240
Width: 80
Unit (Lengths): mm
|Type: Open
Height: 240
Width: 600
Unit (Lengths): mm Accession NumberHT 2020.0071